Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Moon and Seven Stars

The Moon and Seven Stars

Once upon a time beneath the Moon and Seven Stars

A Swan and Seven Cignets swam upon a mirror Lake

An Elvish Woman came from the Hills and music she would make

To the Stars she played upon her Harp beside the lovely Pond

and when at last she'd played enough she left before the dawn

Daylight fades again the Swan's that swam upon the Lake

Would hear again the tales the ancient Harp could make.

by David Spalding Sharp


  1. I love this! My mother made me a quilt just like this only with 6 swans and seven stars. There are 7 sisters in my family and six brothers and my mother made the music. Beautiful poem, I love it. (BTW I am a Sharp too, Adam Sharp was my GG grandpa.)

    1. Hi Lucy

      That's amazing. We are the same generation of Sharps. John Sharp, Adam's
      older brother is my GG grandpa as well. I made a friend here in town that
      is also a descendant of thier brother Joseph. Stay in touch, I'm always
      fascinated at how our family has adapted in succesive generations and we
      probably have much in common. "The Moon and Seven Stars" is a beautiful
      tune as well, from Britain, which is where I got the idea from. I recite
      this poem before one of my wife's Harp tunes when we do our storytelling
      with music set.

      Take care,

      David Sharp

      P. S. I had this quote from a journel of the time. "The Sharp brothers
      were tough, smart, sturdy and resourceful." I'd like to think it is in us
      all just a little bit to this day.

      P. P. S. Your mother must make beautiful quilts, and it sounds like the family talent is something you all have and appreciate.
