Thursday, March 12, 2015

Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable and the 2015 Musical Tribute

We are pleased to present this years 2015 Musical Tribute at the Salt Lake Tabernacle on Temple Square. Many faiths in our region will present their religion and culture through the performing arts. A list of our faith presenters is listed below. Tickets can be obtained at the door and the concert is free to the public. The concert will commence at 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm March 22nd, 2015.

Tickets may be found at our website:
or at:

The Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtables Music Tribute 2015
"Many Faiths One Family"

We are pleased to have 
Carol Mikita as our Master of Ceremonies again this year.

Opening devotionals:

Call to prayer or Adan by Masood Ul-Hasan-Islam/Muslim, Vice President of the Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake.

Native American Blessing by Lacey Harris of the Northern Ute and Northern Piute Tribes

Sikh prayer by J. B. Singh member of the Sikh Temple of Utah.

 Jewish Prayer by Alan Bachman with Shofar players Josh Lipman and Larry Green

 Elder L. Whitney Clayton of the LDS Seventy gives a welcome to the Tabernacle

Carol Mikita introduction:


1. Ogden Buddhist Temple Taiko - Stan Hirei director

The Ogden Buddhist Taiko Group is affiliated with the Buddhist Church of Ogden. The OBTG has gone through many different variations. Currently, the group has approximately 18 members, which range in age from twelve years old to 75 years of age. The OBTG enjoys performing in various events throughout Utah and the Western United States. The interfaith performance is considered one of the highlight events that the group has been asked to perform in throughout the years. Taiko is an ancient Japanese art form and was brought to the U. S. by Seiji Tanaka who established the San Francisco Taiko Dojo in the late 1960's. The philosophy adopted by the OBTG was established by Reverend Mas Kodani of the Senshin Buddhist Temple in L.A. He related Buddhism to Taiko drum playing. He related the drum as being the world of enlightenment of the world of "Buddha" and the player as to world or delusion of the world of man. The link between the two worlds is the drumsticks which represents Buddha's teachings. So when the players are hitting the drum with their sticks they are trying to become one with the drum or with "Buddha".



2. Kopo - Krishna Temple of Salt Lake City

Kopo will be representing the Hare Krishna's and playing a medley mantra called “Maha Mantra - Tumare Darshan” which means “The Names of Krishna and dancing with the Divine feminine and masculine energy of God.”


3.  The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Children's Choir. (formerly known as the Unification Church) Eiko Takeda, director - The choir will sing "The Principle Youth March" words by H. C. Hwang and music by Duk Chin Kim, also "Urie So Wonun Tongil" Traditional Korean Song. Tongil means unity.

4 Imam Muhammed S. Mehtar - Khadeeja Mosque-Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake. Prayer  and talk in Arabic/English - Unity, Kindness and Humanity.  Imam Muhammed Mehtar is a full time Imam, religious leader, scholar, speaker and motivator with the primary objective of helping people to recognize the greatness of Allah (swt) known in English as God.  The Islamic Society of Utah was the first organization in Utah that provided religious services for Muslims since 1986. Khadeeja Mosque is located in West Valley City.



5. Mount Tabor Choir - Mount Tabor Lutheran Church (ELCA) has been an active faith community in downtown Salt Lake since 1907. Musicians and singers from Mount Tabor are performing "Psalm 141" from Holden Evening Prayer, by the Lutheran composer Marty Haugen.  

Harry Heightman, director

Gordon Smith, piano

Rebecca Sue, Stephanie Wilson, flute

Rev. David Nichols, Erin Faehling, violin

Rachel Becker, cello



6.  Lux Singers is the Choir in residence at Saint Mary's Episcopal church in Provo, Utah. Lux (pronounced/luks/and rhymes with dukes) is an elite religious choral ensemble. Our mission is to sing the great works from master of all religious denomination and sects: to sing for the congreagates of all religious faiths, in their places of worship. Lux comes from the Latin word for light. As a choir we seek to share the light that choral music can bring to the lives of all those who hear it. Since Lux Singers is interdenominational and not tied to any specific religion or congregation we seek to share the msuic of all religions and denominations; and to share the light from each religion's musical tradition with the world. The choir will sing two pieces "I stand all Amazed", arr. John Leavitt and "Prayer" by Rene Clausen. Leland Spindler, conductor



7. Kargi Kala Kendra Indian Classical Dance School - Director Sudha Kargi, Sandy, Utah

Sudha Kargi is naturally endowed and with a solid training in Bharatanatyam under the supervision of world renowned teachers in India. After moving to US, Sudha continues her journey in performing and propagating this art form to hundreds of younger generation kids.  Each performance is for her a tremendous learning experience, filling with a sense of euphoria, because dance for her is a celebration of life. Sudha has received many awards and titles both in India and the United States for her work in the traditional arts. The dance, "Krishna Nee Begane" which literally means Krishna! Come Quickly! is choreographed for this Musical Tribute Program. This song by Colonial Cousins, which features the aspects fo both Indian Classical and Western music. The song is composed by Padmashri Hariharan and Leslie Lewis.


8. Hilltop Gospel Choir is an outreach ministry of Hilltop United Methodist Church in Sandy, Utah, that embraces all from our community, connecting many diverse faiths and cultures in sharing a love for singing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gospel music is deeply rooted in the black experience of slavery, but it is music that has been shared with, and speaks to, the world. Hilltop Gospel Choir performs throughout the greater Salt Lake area at various festivals and events.

Roberta Shimensky, Director

Dan Waldis, piano

Richie Vasquez, bass

Max Meyer, drums

Rodney Strong, keys

Mat Wennergren, guitar


“All the Glory”    Richard Smallwood

“Forever You Shall Reign”  Carla L. Sanders

Our pianist for "Thou, O Lord" will be Thomas Klassen



9. "Let there be Peace on Earth" Piano by Alan Bachmen, Directed by Roberta Shimensky.



(Copyrighted lyrics by Jill Jackson & Sy Miller)


Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

                    Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.


With God our Creator, FAMILY all are we;

Let us walk with each other, in perfect harmony.


Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now.

With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow:


To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally,

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.


(Repeat “To take each moment” with joy and enthusiasm - and faith!)




1955 Jan-Lee Music --  Copyright renewed 1983.  All rights reserved.  Copied by permission.  Permission granted for use in the Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable’s “Interfaith Musical Tribute to the Human Spirit.”

The daughter of the composers of this song granted permission for its use in our concert saying, “This is exactly the kind of an event for which the song was written.  Your use of it would please them very much.”



10.  Father Elias of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church will give the closing prayer.